APR 16, 2010

Mercedes-Benz to manufacture 'Actros' trucks in Türkiye


Hurriyet Daily News - Mercedes-Benz, a leading motor vehicle manufacturer, will produce its "Actros" trucks in the Central Anatolian province of Aksaray, the company announced on Wednesday.


Wolf-Dieter Kurz, President of Mercedes-Benz’s Turkish Board of Directors, said on Wednesday that they have widened the product range at the truck factory in Aksaray and announced that the manufacturing of "Actros" trucks will commence in Aksaray by the end of the year. The adding of Actros to the existing production line in Aksaray will require an investment cost of EUR 12 million.


Once the preparations have been concluded, manufacturing activities will begin at the end of 2010, said Kurz, noting that this decision once again underlines the confidence of Daimler in both Mercedes-Benz Turk and Türkiye. He also emphasized the strategic importance attached to the Turkish market.


"Manufacturing of Actros trucks in Aksaray will strengthen our position in the market and will bring important contributions to Türkiye's automotive sector and the development of Aksaray", said Kurz.

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