
ExxonMobil to start exploring oil off Turkish shores

Hurriyet Daily News - ExxonMobil will begin searching for oil off Türkiye’s Black Sea coast in early 2011, once a massive oil platform, which is currently under construction in South Korea, has been completed and delivered, according to a company official. The giant platform will be able to pass under the Bosphorus Bridge and could be transported in two pieces if necessary.


“The Deepwater Champion platform will start looking for oil in the Black Sea in the first half of 2011”, Anatolia News Agency reported Yelda Güven, Deputy Managing Director of ExxonMobil Exploration and Production BV, as saying on Sunday. “Currently, we are looking for oil in two Black Sea locations, near Samsun and Kastamonu. We are joint partners with TPAO (Turkish Petroleum Corporation) and are drilling at a 2,000-meter depth.”

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