
Vienna Economic Forum Names Investment Office 'Best Cooperation Partner of the Year 2022'

The 19th Vienna Economic Forum Future Dialogue 2022 convened in the Austrian capital of Vienna with the theme “Economy Meets Politics in Difficult and Uncertain Times."
Investment Office President A. Burak Dağlıoğlu was featured as a keynote speaker at the conference that was attended by members of diverse political and business circles.
During the conference, the award for Türkiye's achievements both within the forum and globally was presented to Dağlıoğlu as the 'Best Cooperation Partner of the Year 2022' by VEF President Peter Umundum and VEF Secretary General Dr. Elena Kirtcheva.
In his remarks, Dağlıoğlu stated that Türkiye is a long-standing member of the VEF with a seat on the board of directors, and emphasized regional cooperation by expressing the importance of sustainability efforts and making the global and regional value chains more resilient in the future.
"This award for the best collaborator of the year has been made possible by the events Türkiye hosts under the auspices of the forum, our contributions to the member countries and companies of the forum, as well as Türkiye's active diplomatic and mediating role in its region," said Dağlıoğlu.
Noting that the world is undergoing an unpredictable process and that Türkiye has cemented its position as an important partner of the global business community during this time, Dağlıoğlu said, "Austria's most powerful companies are represented at the VEF. Some of them have already invested in Türkiye, which they find to be a remarkable country with the most appealing features such as a stable and resilient investment environment in this time of political, economic, and green transition related challenges."
Dağlıoğlu emphasized Türkiye's geopolitical position in the Southeast Europe, where the VEF is active, is very remarkable, and that Türkiye is the first port of call for both investors and companies seeking to expand to the far reaches of the globe. 

Türkiye has a bilateral trade volume of over USD 30 billion with VEF members and has invested around USD 3 billion into the region since 2003.​
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