MAR 09, 2010

Kuwait seeks agro-food investments in Türkiye


Reuters - Kuwaiti companies and other Gulf Cooperation Council members are looking to invest in agriculture and food in Türkiye, and could sign a number of contracts this year, said Alpaslan Korkmaz, President of Türkiye's investment agency.


"We have a lot of interest, particularly from Kuwaiti companies", Korkmaz, President of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Türkiye (ISPAT), told Reuters on the sidelines of a conference held in Kuwait City on Sunday. "This year we will have realized investments from the GCC in Türkiye in the agro-food business", he said. However, he did not disclose any further details. Investments would be in cereal production, animal farming and food processing, according to Korkmaz.


Kuwaiti investors are also interested in the real estate, renewable energy and banking sectors, said Korkmaz.


"We see a continuous increase in investments from the GCC. Last year, there was slightly more than USD 500 million entering Türkiye, so hopefully this year we will see it above USD 1 billion", he said.


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