JUN 24, 2009

Türkiye's Investment Agency ranks 15th among 181 countries

Hurriyet – According to the “Global Investment Promotion Benchmarking 2009” report of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group, the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Türkiye (ISPAT) ranked 15th in “the best national investment intermediaries” amongst 181 national investment promotion agencies worldwide. Although it is the first time ISPAT took part in the evaluation, where the success of national investment intermediaries are assessed in terms of attracting investment, it managed to rank amongst the world’s top 20 agencies, as well as securing 11th place in Europe. Alpaslan Korkmaz, President of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Türkiye, said they outperformed many countries despite the Agency’s brief two and a half year history, and added, “ISPAT ranked the 15th and the 11th most successful investment intermediary in the world and Europe respectively, according to the Global Investment Promotion Benchmarking 2009 report. Meanwhile, in regard to ‘investor handling criteria’, we ranked 5th in the world and 2nd in Europe.”
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