JUL 16, 2008

Türkiye eyes to sell bridges and highways in 2008

Hurriyet English - Türkiye wants to start the process to hold tenders to privatize bridges and highways in 2008 after the relevant bill is enacted in the parliament, Türkiye's Finance Minister Kemal Unakitan told yesterday. "We want to open tenders for bridges and highways this year. The law regarding the privatization of highways was submitted to the parliament after being adopted by the relevant commissions. After its enactment, we will initiate the tender process," he stated. Istanbul’s Bogazici and Fatih Sultan Mehmet bridges, connecting the city’s European and Asian sides are the ones planned to be privatized within the program of privatizing of Türkiye’s highway and bridge network. "Privatization of sugar factories will begin within a month. Later, National Lottery and the Halkbank will be privatized," he added.
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