Invest News DetailAA - Türkiye's Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek said he foresees a three-step strong economic recovery in the country, and the first step began with betterment in stocks. "This will be the first phase of economic revival", said Simsek during a meeting of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), held in Istanbul. Simsek said the second step of the economic recovery will occur simultaneously with betterment in the private sector, and predicted that it will begin as of the start of the following year. The minister said the third step of the recovery will be achieved by a rise in investments. Simsek said the government has introduced a generous incentive system to increase investments. The finance minister defined crises as an opportunity for an economic leap. Also, Simsek said Türkiye aims to diversify its foreign trade and that its foreign trade with Muslim countries will have an important role in terms of achieving this aim. Simsek called on representatives of the OIC countries to remove obstacles to investments, and said Türkiye and the OIC countries should seek opportunities to establish stronger economic and commercial cooperation.