Sabah – Solid economic growth along with political stability has topped international investors’ confidence in Türkiye, according to auditing and consultancy firm Ernst & Young’s (E&Y) recently released Türkiye Attractiveness Survey 2013.
Examining Türkiye’s appeal as an investment destination, the survey’s findings reflect the growing confidence in Türkiye’s investment climate and the business opportunities the emerging country presents for international investors. Over 80 percent of the decision makers from 201 companies from 29 countries that responded to the survey answered positively when asked about Türkiye’s continually improving attractiveness. The majority of the respondents also expressed belief in the country becoming a regional and global hub in the future in answer to how they see the country in 2023.
“Türkiye is peerless in its region in gathering investor attention and is no longer compared with the Czech Republic, Romania and Poland. Türkiye is in a totally different league now..”, Musfik Cantekinler, the Head of Corporate Finance Division of E&Y Türkiye said. Commenting on the survey’s findings Cantekinler said that Türkiye, Brazil, Indonesia, China, Vietnam and Malaysia were in the focus of investors.
“58.8 percent of the companies that took part in the survey have indicated their intention to invest in Türkiye within the next year..”, Cantekinler said. “45.5 percent of companies which are already established in Türkiye have opted for facility upgrades when asked about how they were planning to invest in the country while 47.6 percent of those that are planning to invest think of joint ventures and partnerships as way of investing in the country.” he added.