AUG 11, 2020

Türkiye’s Export Climate Index Surges in July

Türkiye managed to post the highest manufacturing PMI Export Climate Index of the last 12 months in July 2020 thanks to an easing of restrictions and a sharp pick-up in some of the European countries.

ICI Türkiye Export Climate Index report released by Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) has unveiled Türkiye’s latest figures. The report shows that export climate index increased to 53.0 in July, compared to 47.5 points scored in June. It has been the first time Türkiye surmounted 50.0 level in the last five months. 

“Most of the top ten destinations for Turkish manufacturing exports registered growth of output during July as economies continued to show signs of recovery following severe COVID-19 downturns through the second quarter of the year,” the report finds. 
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