NOV 30, 2010

ISPAT launches Turkish-Indian IT cooperation initiative

Dunya - Türkiye and India are seeking ways to improve cooperation in a strategically important sector, information technologies (IT). A meeting organized by the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Türkiye (ISPAT) brought Turkish and Indian IT industry representatives together in Istanbul in order to create cooperation opportunities for companies active in the critically important sector.

Committees from the two leading industry bodies TUBISAD, the Informatics Industry Association of Türkiye, and NASSCOM, the premier trade body and the chamber of commerce of the IT industries in India, exchanged views and discussed ways to form partnerships between Turkish and Indian IT companies.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Huseyin Aslan, President of ISPAT, said that the strategically important IT industry directly affects the competitiveness of a country’s economy and that ISPAT’s efforts are geared toward presenting Türkiye’s potential to global industry representatives. “The meeting with NASSCOM will serve as a starting point for future cooperation in the IT industry,” asserted Aslan.
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