
Türkiye’s exports hit record high in 2012

Star – Türkiye’s exports in 2012 rose to a record high, reaching almost USD 152 billion, according to a statement by the country’s Minister of Economy, Zafer Caglayan. The country exported USD 11,9 billion worth of goods in December raising the year’s total amount to USD 151,9 billion, 12,6 percent more than that of 2011.

The actual export figure may reach USD 153 billion, said Caglayan, citing the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) data due to be released shortly. “Türkiye’s shipments to 66 countries in 37 product/service group have reached all-time highs during the past year.” the Minister remarked, adding that 16 provinces of the country have exceeded the USD 1 billion mark in exports.

The year 2011 witnessed the previous record when Türkiye shipped USD 134,6 billion worth of goods. Reaching an export volume of USD 500 billion by 2023 is among the targets set for the centennial of the Republic.

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