JAN 23, 2023

Türkiye Targets to Reach Net Zero Emissions by 2053

​​​Anadolu Agency

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed at the Target 2053 Net Zero Emission “R&D and Innovation Move" Coordination Meeting on January 12.

Referring to Türkiye's success in various areas such as high-quality research and development sources, energy technologies, medical biotechnology, and national innovation, President Erdoğan said, “We are strongly entering the Türkiye Century thanks to the distance we have covered in science and technology. We have now set our sights on 2053 and are shaping our vision for the year around green development—a major concern for our country and the entire world. Our goal, as part of our commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement, is to achieve net zero emissions by 2053."

President Erdoğan also noted that Türkiye not only met, but exceeded the goals set forth 20 years, 15 years, and 10 years ago. “This is best evidenced by our success in the defense industry, which serves as the locomotive of science and technology. Our advancement in science and technology, spanning all 81 provinces, yields new outcomes on a daily basis," President Erdoğan confirmed.

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