
Türkiye to become Europe’s manufacturing hub

Hurriyet - Deloitte has published the “Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index 2013” report which was prepared in collaboration with the US Council on Competitiveness.


According to Deloitte Türkiye, the report mainly focuses on the structural changes shaping the global economy and the manufacturing sector, and addresses the need to carry out an analysis that deals with processes such as R&D, manufacturing, sales, distribution, logistics, customer relations, marketing and support as a whole in order to determine policies for the future and to adapt to the conditions of competition. Commenting on the issue, Deloitte Türkiye Manufacturing Industry Leader Gaye Şentürk said, “Türkiye is the rising star of Europe and the world. It boosts its competitive power each passing day. In five years, we will become the second most competitive manufacturing hub in Europe after Germany, and this signals very significant opportunities.”

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