APR 26, 2021

Capacity Utilization in Türkiye’s Manufacturing Industry Increases

​​The Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye (CBRT) released reports of the Capacity Utilization Rate (CUR) of Manufacturing Industry and the Investment Tendency Statistics.

CBRT figures revealed the CUR of manufacturing industry inched 0.6 points higher in April 2021 compared to the previous month, aggregating a solid 76.2 percent in total. The CUR for intermediate goods manufacturing, seen as vital to foreign trade balance, rallied to a 78.8 percent, the highest since September 2018.

The figures are based on the resposes given to its Business Tendency Survey by local units operating in the manufacturing industry, according to CBRT.

Meanwhile, gross investment expenditures in 2020 increased by 26.3 percent annually, exceeding the expectation of 8.7 percent in the previous survey, announced CBRT in its Investment Tendency Statistics Report.

Additionally, the report revised up projections for 2021 investment expenditures, forecasting a 44.4 percent rise compared to 2020.

The Investment Survey is conducted by the CBRT in full compliance with the "Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys".​​​

Graph Showing the Rise of Capacity Utilization in the Manufacturing Sector
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