OCT 25, 2010

IMF President: Türkiye likely to become an executive board member

Aksam - Participating in the G-20 meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held in Gyeongju in South Korea, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the EU’s decision to relinquish two of its seats on the IMF Executive Board to emerging economies is a wise move and that Türkiye is a strong candidate for membership. Developed economies of the EU have agreed to give up two of their seats on the 24-member IMF Executive Board to make room for emerging countries.

“I think Türkiye is the most suitable candidate for a post on the executive board”, said Kahn, while his views on Türkiye’s membership were shared by many.

The IMF head went on to assess Türkiye’s recent economic performance, highlighting the 7.5-8 percent growth. “I think the government is managing the economy very well”, said Strauss-Kahn.