NOV 02, 2009

Alcatel-Lucent may invest in Türkiye

Referans - Global telecommunications corporation Alcatel-Lucent may consider directing many of its investments around the world to Türkiye, emboldened by the country’s new R&D law, said the company’s country general director Ali Kancal. The company is seeing Türkiye as a new base to expand its research and development programs and talks are ongoing for putting the new R&D law to maximum effect with such investments. Kancal said Alcatel-Lucent has been holding talks with Mehmet Simsek, Türkiye’s Finance Minister and Alpaslan Korkmaz, President of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Türkiye (ISPAT). The company aims to redirect business it currently plans to conduct with China, India and North Africa to Türkiye, Kancal stated. At this time, he added, Alcatel-Lucent Türkiye employs 650 people, noting that attracting more business to Türkiye will help increase employment opportunities. The industry will grow at least 11 or 12 percent next year, he said, adding, “As Alcatel-Lucent Türkiye, we expect a growth of at least 10 percent next year.”